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Meet Darren
Over the past 21 years, my amazing wife Darci and I have operated our own corporate speaking and training company sharing our inspiring messages across Canada.
As a speaker, I have definitely lived my message. Yes, I have had lots of successes in my life but I have also made mistakes and I’ve hit rock bottom. I share this journey and what I have learned openly and honestly. I have come to believe that we have all made mistakes and we all have a journey. I think we are stronger and all benefit when we share that journey and grow a little together.
When I am not sharing and having fun with audiences I love renovating and fixing up our house. Yes, my wife loves this about me. She has a very short honey-do list.
I also try to be the best husband and dad I can be. Like I said above, sometimes I blow it, but I never stop "Choosing" and trying.
We have two sweet rescue pets who are members of the family. And yes, living in Saskatchewan, I have been a rabid, frothing at the mouth, bleeding green Roughrider fan and season ticket holder for over 35 years. If you live in Saskatchewan, you get it.
I've spent years in business, got the degrees etc... and bring all that experience into my sessions.
This is me. Please give me a call or email. I'd love to connect and see how I can help out.
"How to Stay Up in an Upside-down World"
- Darren Lang
Grande Prairie Alberta College
Fantastic, I laughed & cried. Darren thank you for sharing a piece of you!
Saskatoon Health Region
Best session I have ever seen on managing stress.
AdvantAge Ontario
Loved it! I left Darren’s session inspired and ready to make some real changes.